Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Elliott will be in my arms in 18 days!

We got our travel approval Monday evening and yesterday received our visa appointment so now the fun of travel planning begins!!!!

Levi, the girls and I will leave on Jan 1st to fly to Beijing. Asher will be staying at home with grandparents and my sister. We will spend two days sight seeing in Beijing before flying down to Chengdu on Jan 5th. On Jan 6th we will go to the orphanage to pick up Elliott!!! It is crazy to think that in just a couple of weeks I will be holding the sweet boy that I have been staring at in pictures. I am incredibly excited but also incredibly nervous. Nervous about traveling 18 hours with the girls  and then back home again with our boy who doesn't speak English, doesn't know us or what the world looks like outside the walls of an orphanage. Nervous about leaving behind my sweet two year old son for 18 days. Nervous about what adjustment of life with 4 children will be like after we get home. But I am able to set aside this fear as I focus on the reason we are doing this. Yes the the steps we take are scary and sometimes uncertain but the benefits are enormous! Having the privilege of loving Elliott and have him join our family is worth it. Being able to offer Elliott a forever family where he will always have food, shelter, clothes, and an abundance of love ....those benefits are worth working through the scary parts.

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